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Natasha Simms

Name: Natasha Simms
Job Title: HGV Resourcer
Branch: Worcester
Number of years in recruitment: 2 years
Number of years with Pure Staff: 5 months
What’s the best job you’ve ever had (before Pure Staff of course): Training and Sales Coordinator at Cadspec Limited
What do you like to spend time doing outside of work: Going to the gym and socialising with friends
Favourite Singer/Band: Green Day
Favourite Food: Anything Italian!
Favourite Animal: Cats
Favourite Hobby: Going to gigs and festivals
Favourite Film/TV Show: All of the Harry Potter films
What do you like most about working for Pure Staff: No two days are the same so it keeps things interesting with the variety
What’s your biggest challenge in recruitment right now: Every day is a challenge which I enjoy! Breaking out of my comfort zone