How well do you really know the companies you work with?
Pure Staff are opening our doors into the worlds of our committed and talented team, to introduce the real people who will be taking care of your recruitment needs.
Lynn Bishop

Name: Lynn Bishop
Job Title: Receptionist
Branch: Birmingham
Number of years in recruitment: 5
Number of years with Pure Staff: 5
What’s the best job you’ve ever had (before Pure Staff of course): I have done various work none of it can compare to my present job at Pure Staff Ltd, this job is truly the best 😊
What do you like to spend time doing outside of work: Spending time with my Family
Favourite Singer/Band: George Michael
Favourite Food: Foreign
Favourite Animal: Dog
Favourite Hobby: Putting my feet up and relaxing, no seriously I enjoy walking.
Favourite Film/TV Show: NCIS
What do you like most about working for Pure Staff: Every day is different
What’s your biggest challenge in recruitment right now: Keeping the lads in line 😊
Mason Bailey

Name: Mason Bailey
Job Title: Recruitment Consultant
Branch: Birmingham
Number of years in recruitment: <one year
Number of years with Pure Staff: <one year
What’s the best job you’ve ever had (before Pure Staff of course): Apprentice carpenter job
What do you like to spend time doing outside of work: Spend time with my daughter and sometimes my friends
Favourite Singer/Band: I don’t have one, I like genres more than artists in all honesty
Favourite Food: Chocolate
Favourite Animal: Turtles or lizards or fish (they don’t do much)
Favourite Hobby: Playing snooker or watching football
Favourite Film/TV Show: Power or lucifer
What do you like most about working for Pure Staff: I like the people here, it makes me feel happy knowing that people are willing to help.
What’s your biggest challenge in recruitment right now: I struggle with my tone of voice so I am working on that, I struggle to get drivers in sometimes.