How well do you really know the companies you work with?
At Pure Staff, we are opening our doors into the worlds of our committed and talented team, to introduce the real people who will be taking care of your recruitment needs.
Jonathan Rowe

Name: Jonathan Rowe
Job Title: Recruitment Consultant
Branch: Wolverhampton
Number of years in recruitment: 1 Month
Number of years with Pure Staff: 1 Month
What’s the best job you’ve ever had (before Pure Staff of course): Working in Marketing
What do you like to spend time doing outside of work: Spending time with family and friends
Favourite Singer/Band: Travis Scott
Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite Animal: Capybara
Favourite Hobby: Spending time with the misses.
Favourite Film/TV Show: Back to the Future
What do you like most about working for Pure Staff: The friendly environment and the support from the team.
What’s your biggest challenge in recruitment right now: Constantly learning how to be better.