How well do you really know the companies you work with?
At Pure Staff, we are opening our doors into the worlds of our committed and talented team, to introduce the real people who will be taking care of your recruitment needs.
Emma Mansell

Name: Emma Mansell
Job Title: Payroll & Compliance Manager
Branch: Birmingham
Number of years in recruitment: 18 years
Number of years with Pure Staff: 13 years
What’s the best job you’ve ever had (before Pure Staff of course): I have only ever worked in Recruitment Agencies since leaving school.
What do you like to spend time doing outside of work: I enjoy seeing friends and family.
Favourite Singer/Band: I listen to all sorts of music. I love Lorde at the minute.
Favourite Food: McDonalds
Favourite Animal: Sloth, Tortoise or Giraffe
Favourite Hobby: Reading and watching crime documentaries
Favourite Film/TV Show: The Hannibal films, I watch the soaps (someone has got to)
What do you like most about working for Pure Staff: Across the business everyone is working together towards same goal, everyone is super helpful.
What’s your biggest challenge in recruitment right now: After being recently promoted, I’m still getting used to the new duties I have.
Greg Neimke

Name: Greg Neimke
Job Title: Divisional Manager (Driving)
Branch: Wolverhampton
Number of years in recruitment: 9.5
Number of years with Pure Staff: 5.5
What’s the best job you’ve ever had (before Pure Staff of course): My first ever job at my uncles ice creamery at the beach in Adelaide. Scooping (and occasionally eating) the many and varied flavours out to beach goers and tourists. It was the coolest place to work through 100F° summers.
What do you like to spend time doing outside of work: Every Monday night out for dinner with my kids, watching football, theatre, cinema, cooking and a pint at The Beacon in Sedgley.
Favourite Singer/Band: This is always changing but right now my favourite band is Slipknot.
Favourite Food: Lobster and pretty much all seafood
Favourite Animal: Sugar Glider, who doesn’t want one!
Favourite Hobby: Riding my motor bike
Favourite Film/TV Show: too many to choose from but if I have to have just one its 300
What do you like most about working for Pure Staff:
There are many pro’s to working at Pure Staff, for me the transparency and honesty of the Directors and Senior Management speak volumes for how much they value the experience and contributions from their staff.
Opinions and new ideas are welcomed, and support through difficult circumstances is always just a phone call away. In fact most of the time I don’t need to make that phone call because I am contacted by my Senior Manager or the Directors regularly to check in that all is going well both professionally and personally.
What’s your biggest challenge in recruitment right now: My challenge is to retain and motivate the consultants on the driving desks. To instil perseverance, resilience and a sense of calm in what can at times be manically busy working day.